Kindergarten & 1st Grade
Grades 2-7
VTEC Program (Viking Technology) for students in Grades 8-12
Programs for All Students
Parents and students have access to calendar, grades, homework, activities, interactive quizzes, and online assignments through ParentsWeb (FACTS/Renweb).
Acceptable Use Policy—Students
Communication Systems/Computers/Internet
Computers, Internet, and various communication systems are available to students through the classrooms, labs, and the school libraries. It is the responsibility of the student to adhere to professional business communication standards and use all communication tools in a professional manner and in harmony with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
The Internet is a vast global computer network that provides access to major universities around the world, governmental agencies, other school systems, and commercial data banks. Exploration of the "Net" is encouraged, but the user must assume personal responsibility for acceptable use. Any use of the network (the Local Area Network (LAN) or the Internet) that adversely affects its operation in pursuit of teaching and learning, or jeopardizes its use or performance for other community members is prohibited and will result in loss of computer privileges as well as any other appropriate disciplinary
Student's Responsibilities: